Friday, November 28, 2008


Oh No! She is going to kiss me...AGAIN!!! The humility of it all!

I love Tad! Thank you Gran for getting this for Morgan when she was my age. He is so much fun!

Dad-dee & his girls. This is one of Dad-dees favorite things to do- have both girls to cuddle & read to.

Gosh, where does the time go? 6 months already!! My baby girl is growing up too fast. Can't they stay squishy little cuddle bugs forever? Miss Sydney weighs 16.8 lbs & is 25 3/4" long. Proving to inherit her Dad-dees height (yeah). She has the chubbiest thighs. They are so darn cute. I was looking back at Morgan's stats at this age & Sydney outweighs her by more than 2 lbs...uh oh! I think she may catch up to Morgan in weight fairly quickly if she continues at this rate. Morgan has always been tall & skinny (usually 50th percentile or higher for height & 25 th percentile for weight). Tall & skinny just the way her doc likes kids to be.

Everyone says Sydney looks like Gregg but she sure looks a lot like Mommy when she was this age. I think she has my eyes (although I see a little of Gregg's eye shape too) & my legs. Hmmmm.... One thing is for sure...she is a HUGE cuddle bug! I think we can thank Grammy for that! She NEVER put her down the first 6 weeks after she was born. Grammy says it is payback. I lived on her hip when I was a baby. She said she had to do everything with me hanging onto her. ha ha We enjoy it though. It goes by so fast & before we know it she will be out of our arms & off running.

1 comment:

amanda said...

Pretty girls.

I love Tad too, and we had fun with our Tad, but he's been passed along to a special nephew.

I love the one of her with her hand in her mouth, but all the photos are adorable.

My oldest just turned 18! on the Nov 2th, and it only seems like yesterday I was holding a newborn wondering what he would be like at 18. Now I'm wondering "How did that happen?!" The answer is quickly. You got the right concept working as you well know..