Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sydney Update


This is the look you get when Dad-dee takes my milk away to get pictures. Bad Dad-dee!

Morgan let's me share her favorite caterpillar chair.

My dancing skirt. Woo hoo!

I just love my Dad-dee...
....and my Mommy!!! Hugs!!!

Pick me up!

See my shirt? It says "My Daddy does my hair" hee hee! Well, I don't really have much but he does Morgan's hair.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


It's my party & I'll eat cake if I want to! hee hee! The seems to be expanding.
The Girls!

I don't think American Eagle will let us return this is priceless!

Dad-dee helping me open gifts. Thank you everyone!

The Fam!

Wow, sissy, you are making quite the mess!

Ok, shows over!

Don't get that stuff on me!

Here is our friend Madison. I think she had fun. She ended up with frosting everywhere.

SISTERS! Morgan sat next to Sydney the whole time she was eating (playing with) her cake.

Ooooh! What a mess Sydney!
Our great neighbors Michelle, Rylee & their new addition, Landon (thier brother, Caleb was playing frisbee with Gregg during this picture).

Misti & Alexis. Aren't they sweet!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 7, 2009 DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......

It is official! I am crawling!!! I waited for Daddy to come home from his trip before I would do it. Now, I can really keep up with Morgan!

Daddy kisses are my favorite.

Bye bye Grammy! Boy, did we have fun! We have a new name for you. Grammy Boo! We played peek-a-boo so much while she was here. Grammy is soooo much fun! We can't wait to see you in Florida for more bouncing & peek-a-boo! Yeah!!!!!

Mini Jack Bauer (24) is using interrogation techniques on Daddy. So, are you going to go make my squash & yams or do I continue with the torture? Your choice!

Monday, February 23, 2009

2-23-2009 I'm 9 months old!

Daddy has been away for 5 weeks so Grammy came to the rescue. Yeah!!!! We are getting lots of snuggle time. She is lots of fun. She plays with us all the time. I think Grammy is gonna be worn out when she has to go home. Sorry Grammy! But boy, is she lots of fun!

My Gran (Dad-dee's mommy) sent us a microphone & bongos! Woo hoo! A microphone, out Barry Manilow! Now all I need is to find Copacabana.....

Helloooooooooooo......This is Horton. He hears a Who, and I am Sydney Sue-Who! Hee hee!

Peek-a-boo from Sydney Sue-Who!

Horton, we need to do something about our hairdos! What are your thoughts?

This is my Barney. See????????
Dinosaur....the other white meat! Grrrrrrr!

So long! Smiles from Sydney Susan! Oh, I now have my 2 bottom (middle) teeth and I have 1 top front tooth and my other top front is right behind it. I have not even gotten up at all during the night either (thank you Hyland teething tablets). Mommy says I am such a trooper. What's a trooper?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Busy Little Bee!

Yes, I KNOW....I look just like Dad-dee!!!!!

So, I can eat these balls, right? So curious about EVERYTHING!

I really want to eat them, Mommy!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


We are a little behind on our blogging. But, we are back & boy have we been busy. I am 8 months old now! Woo hoo!! I am keeping Mommy & Dad-dee on their toes. I am eating lots of veggies now & the only fruits I enjoy so far are prunes & pears (organic & homemade of course- ha ha). Still on the Liquid Gold- that is my favorite! Thanks Mommy! I go to bed between 6:30-7:00 pm & get up between 7:30-8:00 am. I take a short catnap in the morning & save my big nap for the afternoon (1.5 - 3 hours). I got my first tooth at 6 months old (bottom, center left). But, just the one so far.

My sister Morgan is the best. I just love watching her. She makes me laugh all the time. Anyway, here are the latest pictures. Enjoy!
Here I am playing with my music table. I am standing a little now.
Morgan is the bestest big sister.

It's a mirror image. Mini-me!

It has been so cold here but Mommy bundles us up & out we go for a walk ( & also to the playground). I am sitting forward now. No carseat for me & boy do I like looking at all the action. Morgan got a duck horn from Grammy & I give big belly laughs when she blows it.

Smiles, smiles, smiles.