Friday, August 22, 2008


I love tummy time. Look how strong I am now. Holding my head up high. I am a happy girl.Mommy said she bought this suit for Morgan. The tag says 2t. I think the size is way off...I am not that big....yet!

Afternoon siestas in Dad-dee's arms are the best. Ahhhhh!
And this is the way I re-pay him.....all over his shirt, shorts & leg. Ooopsie poopsie! Hey, I gotta christen my Dad-dee. Now he belongs to me. I have officially marked him. hee hee!! Mommy & dad-dee were laughing soooo hard. Not sure why...but, oh well. Love you Dad-dee!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Wow! Can you believe I am 2 months old already? And, boy, have I grown.

weight: 13.1 lbs (8.2 lbs at birth)

height: 23 3/4 inches (19.5 at birth)

I am wearing 3-6 month clothes and Mommy keeps returning diapers for bigger sizes because I grow out of them so fast. Who knew that liquid gold stuff could do such amazing things. Mommy jokes she is going to feed it to the garden & grass. hee hee Gosh, when I think about it, it is not like a really eat a lot since I sleep 10-11 hours a night. Yup, that's right....just like my big sissy Morgan. I am a good sleeper too. I started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks old.

I am smiling all the time & cooing and Mommy has even gotten a few giggles out of me. She calls me a whirling dervish. Last night I moved all the way to the end of my crib. Mommy & Dad-dee were shocked to see I had spun myself around. They better watch out. Morgan may have been rolling over at 2 weeks old but I am going to be really MOVING before they know what hit them. hee hee!