Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sydney Update


This is the look you get when Dad-dee takes my milk away to get pictures. Bad Dad-dee!

Morgan let's me share her favorite caterpillar chair.

My dancing skirt. Woo hoo!

I just love my Dad-dee...
....and my Mommy!!! Hugs!!!

Pick me up!

See my shirt? It says "My Daddy does my hair" hee hee! Well, I don't really have much but he does Morgan's hair.

1 comment:

Little Bug said...

Hi Guys ~
Look at that Sydney...she is getting so big!!! What a cutie pie! Her and Morgan look like they get along so well. I love to see Morgan in her caterpillar chair. Connor never really got into his chair, but Mackenzie & Alex love to sit and play in it!! Glad it's been a hit with Miss Morgan!!
The pictures are great and the girls look fantastic!
Lovebug Hugs,