Friday, August 8, 2008


Wow! Can you believe I am 2 months old already? And, boy, have I grown.

weight: 13.1 lbs (8.2 lbs at birth)

height: 23 3/4 inches (19.5 at birth)

I am wearing 3-6 month clothes and Mommy keeps returning diapers for bigger sizes because I grow out of them so fast. Who knew that liquid gold stuff could do such amazing things. Mommy jokes she is going to feed it to the garden & grass. hee hee Gosh, when I think about it, it is not like a really eat a lot since I sleep 10-11 hours a night. Yup, that's right....just like my big sissy Morgan. I am a good sleeper too. I started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks old.

I am smiling all the time & cooing and Mommy has even gotten a few giggles out of me. She calls me a whirling dervish. Last night I moved all the way to the end of my crib. Mommy & Dad-dee were shocked to see I had spun myself around. They better watch out. Morgan may have been rolling over at 2 weeks old but I am going to be really MOVING before they know what hit them. hee hee!


The Bliss Family said...

Oh my...2 months old! That's great & good to know you are growing so fast. You and Natasha almost have the same stats and she's 11 months old! Hope to meet you soon.
Bliss Family

Little Bug said...

Couldn't be any cuter!!!! You are growing like the sweetest little weed ever Miss Sydney. We're glad you are such a good girl for your Mommy and Dad-Dee!!! Good job sleeping through the night, I bet your Mommy loves that!! Give your sissy a big kiss and squeeze from us and we know she'll give you a squeeze too (just remind her to be gentle!!) You're too cute Sydney. Happy 2 months!!
The Robertson Gang